Last but not least...Fruit & Sugary Veggies

Safe Carbs from The Perfect Health Diet daily plan

Ok, so we covered how to add in watery Veggies to feel full, get great micronutrients & support your thyroid.

And how to optimize your comforting, yummy Safe Starches choosing the best Starches for gut health & micronutrient absorption...and cycling them on the daily to optimize your cortisol rhythm...

Last but not least, when it comes to Carbs--let's talk about this fabulous mix & max strategy for Fruit & Sugary Veggies, last:

Review: Starches & Sugars

Again, Plants store sugars in two ways: as starches and as sugars.

Starches digest completely to glucose (the “good carb”)

Sugars come in different forms, but the most prevalent is sucrose, which digests equally to glucose & fructose. And The Perfect Health Diet research authors assert that you do want a little fructose every day, in addition to glucose…and I'll share why!

Optimal fructose intake: Fructose, which comes in fruit, sugary veggies & some of the safe only needed by our bodies in a relatively small amount…and actually our bodies send it to the liver where it gets converted to glucose and fat…so it makes much more sense to mainly eat glucose (and fat) in the first place.

Plus, in excess (think high fructose corn syrup), a high volume of Fructose can cross-combine with protein to make AGES that cause stiff joints and ageing skin (bleck) among other health problems.

However, fructose does benefit athletic performance for people who need a quick recovery from several activities on the same day or for endurance competitions…

AND the liver may manage glycemic control better when it has a small dose of fructose (which equates to less than 10 grams—which equals to 1 fruit SNACK--or 2 servings of vegetables with a meal, which helps improve the glycemic response to starchy meals, woot.

And Dr. Paul Jaminet details that the benefits for most adults are realized by eating 15 - 25 grams of fructose per day—in the form of 3-8 grams of fructose per meal (as veggies), and 2-3 meals per day, plus up to several fruit snacks.

And the benefits of fructose end at 25 grams, or 100 calories, per day.

How to optimize Fructose

Ok, so your goal with Fructose consumption is to eat about 15 - 25 grams (100 calories or below) of Fructose each day.

This is pretty easy to achieve, if you skip the added sugars & pre-made fruit juices...

And instead focus on enjoying some whole fruit (or freshly-pressed fruit juice) and sugary veggies each day.

You get to mix & match these fruits & sugary veggies (like carrots & beets) to limbo under this ideal Fructose amount (25 grams or 100 calories a day).

If you were to choose just fruit (and no carrots or beets, ie. sugary veggies)...then you can stay under 25 grams of fructose a day while still eating 4 servings of do you like them apples?

I personally LOVE that fruit is FULL of vitamins & minerals, and it's possible to eat it daily, several times a day.

It also really help to choose your Fruits (and veggies too) based on getting the most Potassium from your choices too! It's a little challenging to meet your daily Potassium requirement--so it can be really helpful to pick your Fruit (and sugary veggies) going for lower fructose & higher potassium concentrations.

Here is a super helpful chart from The Perfect Health Diet that shows "plants with a high potassium-to-fructose ratio in order to maximize potassium intake."

Ok—so you can see why I’ve been so excited about tomatoes as an ideal breakfast fruit/sugary veggie…as they’re really low in fructose and high in potassium. None of these fruits are “bad.” Just some of them have more potassium in them, so that makes them more ideal!

Heirloom apples are much better than popular apple varieties too (apples have been increasingly bred for more sweetness/higher fructose concentrations)…

And again—it’s all about mixing & matching (up to 1 pound) of fruit & sugary veggies to optimize your daily fructose & get awesome micronutrients and pleasure, too!

I recommend using to track your daily fructose

So, how much Fruit can you have a day?

All right--so with this recommended 1 pound of Sugary Veggies & Fruit...that equals out to 4 servings of fruit! However, there is much to be gained by rotating & eating a variety of foods--including the fruits & sugary veggies in this category.

So for example, you could eat up to 4 pieces/servings of fruit...Or you could eat 2 pieces of fruit & add in some sugary carrots or beets with a meal too.

I recommend using to track your Fructose consumption too...

Although generally, it's not too hard to stick to this limited fructose amount & still enjoy delicious, comforting safe starches & fruit!! 🙂


Again, the benefits of daily fructose end at 25 grams a day (which can be up to 4 servings of fruit if you avoid sugary veggies)!

Fruit & Sugary Veggies for Micronutrients

Vitamin C, Potassium, antioxidants, polyphenols…there are lots of benefits of including some fresh whole fruit like blueberries, pineapple, bananas...and sugary veggies like carrots & tomatoes into your daily meal (and snack) plan.

Some of the favorite fruits I’ve discovered while working on optimizing my Micronutrients—is that Pineapple is a fabulous source of Manganese (which can be hardy to get enough of on the daily)…and citrus fruits are a great source of Vitamin C…and Bananas are a good source of Potassium and Vitamin B6, too.

Just stick with whole fruits (or freshly made fruit juices)…and skip the pre-made juices, fake fruit additions to yogurt, or any processed foods made with High Fructose Corn Syrup.

Ok--last but not least...let's talk Good Fats next...and truly they are a important part, but albeit most like a decoration.

De-mystifying Carbs...and our natural appetite for Protein...are two of the biggest things to understand.

Good Fats took me a minute to wrap my head around...however, I know I can break it down simply & share a little more about my trial and errors...and what you can expect with getting started Eating for Energy, too! 

But before we wrap up these Macros...first Take Action & start thinking about how you can enjoy these Safe Carbs on the daily >>>

Take Action...and get started Planning your Safe Carbs!

Download, read & go for the Worksheet at the top of this page, before moving on...

Extra tips for making Resistant Starch...lots of yummy Safe Starch ideas & how to Cycle them on the daily for good cortisol rhythm...PLUS, my best tips to manage your Glycemic Index (GI)...

And start planning...Then we'll add Good Fats next.

Take Action, Jackson 🙂