Weekly Planning with Protein OVERVIEW:


Get satisfied…and get Non-Inflammatory...and get Micronutrients (on a Weekly Basis)

Ok—so one of the practices of this Eating for Energy strategy is to think about planning your meals—and making PROTEIN, the most satisfying & extremely important Macronutrient—as the SOLID BASE for each and every meal.

You do not want to leave out this solid amount of Protein out of any meal—as this will cause you to feel hungry & keep snacking after said meal, as your body “searches” for this missing, key macro.

Additionally, what makes Protein so satisfying--is a very interesting reason:

One of the biggest parts of animal-based Protein is FAT.

And we want to make it so that we eat enough Fat (and the best kinds) to help support good hormonal health...while at the same time helping you to feel FULL and literally kill your sweet tooth after a meal too.

So many perks to getting IN a solid amount of Protein with each meal (especially Breakfast & Lunch).

Plus, as previously mentioned...it is SO powerful to allow your body to REST between meals, without needing snacks...as this is one of the crucial components in addressing the conundrum of how to lose weight/not gain weight on a Whole Foods diet.

And who doesn't love feeling full & satisfied after eating?? 🙂

Now that you've figured out what the best amount of daily Protein for you (module 3)...and how our body has an expectation of Protein + Fat from our Paleo ancestry...

Plus, in addition: let's talk about being a Good Fat Burner (and feeling FABULOUS) by choosing Protein foods that have important Micronutrients in them (like shellfish for zinc and egg yolks for choline)…

And why you want to plan to get IN your retinol Vitamin A & Choline on a daily or weekly basis, too!

You need those Micros on a daily & weekly basis to get everything working well!!

Protein Planning key #2: Plan Weekly for Micronutrients

All right, so one of the biggest points that the Drs. Jaminet are trying to make in The Perfect Health Diet book…is that if you want to be in a place where your body CAN burn fat/lose weight and it can more easily build muscle—then you want to plan to give your body all of the MACRO and MICROnutrients that your body needs to do it’s thing.

If you’re lacking in one (or three) Micronutrients—then you’re essentially limping along with your health and it can make it almost impossible to lose weight and keep it off…and feel good, too.

Plus, deficiencies in MICROnutrients can lead to more complicated health problems, too.

I wish they had taught this stuff in high school PhysEd class. Personally, we learned how to drive and had to watch weeks of terrible car crash/drunk driving awareness videos in my high school Health class…and we spent virtually one rainy day talking about Nutrition.

This to me should be required learning…there are just simply a set amount of Micronutrients (vitamins & minerals) that our body expects to get everyday. Some of these things are hard to get because as a society, we’ve fallen out of favor with foods we used to eat regularly during the paleo time period—foods like organ meats, where both our own & animals’ bodies actually store important vitamins & minerals.

You just can’t get these micronutrients from eating much of anything else…

And then it’s harder to get some MICROnutrients (like potassium and magnesium) because the quality of our water and soil have become less mineral-rich, too.

And then processed/pre-made/restaurant food has many people eating TOO MANY other micronutrients like omega-6 fats and phosphorus (out of balance with calcium)…

Good Times! So for me, when I started trying to learn all of this stuff—it felt like an incredible relief to know that there are dietary guidelines…and that doing something as simple as planning your Weekly Shopping List for PROTEIN…can check off many of the KEY MICROnutrients that your body needs…

Micronutrients that ARE needed in order to be able to burn fat, have good hormonal balance, and feel good!


I’ll take the “check two boxes off with one check mark” any day of the week 🙂

So here's an overview of how to Plan your Protein on a Weekly Basis, to get the kind of Good Fats that allow YOU to burn fat & some key micronutrients, too:

Essentially, you want to plan your Protein on a Weekly basis—so that you can:

  • get essential Micronutrients from your food (including Vitamin A & Choline/Arachidonic Acid)
  • get a solid amount of omega-3 fats each and every week
  • AND get LOW with omega-6 nuts, seeds & seed oils (that get stored as fat if you eat too many of them).

Weekly planning strategies from The Perfect Health Diet:

Goal #1: Eat the omega-3 equivalent of 1 to 2 meals, or up to 1 pound per week of omega-3-rich oily fish and shellfish--for Omega-3 fats, each week. And/or 5 pasture-raised egg yolks daily. Or use daily omega-3 algae oil. 

If you're not allergic, then Shellfish & crustaceans like oysters, clams, mussels, shrimp, crab or lobster are also rich in omega-3's & an important source of B12 & zinc! 

Dr. Chris Masterjohn summarizes: "Most adults should be fine with 150 mg/d DHA, which can be obtained from five pasture-raised egg yolks per day or from one serving of fatty fish per week."


Goal #2: Then the other big goal is to enjoy occasionally omega-6 nuts/seeds and not count-on them as a main protein source...and vigorously reduce/eliminate omega-6-rich seed oils (like canola oil, soybean oil, vegetable oil)...

Remember, when you eat above 4% of your daily calories as omega-6 fats, your body stores them as fat! 🙁

Essentially, you only want to eat nuts & seeds as occasional snacks, and not rely on them as protein sources...as they're often very high in omega-6 fats. The best nut & seed choices for occasional snacks are macadamia nuts & butter, almond butter, cashew butter (which are all lower in PUFA fats).

Plus, ditch that canola & vegetable oil!!


Goal #3: Get in your pasture-raised egg yolks on the Daily for CHOLINE (your fat-burning, methylation & brain health friend) and Arachidonic Acid…

Or use strategic supplements or alternate foods--but don't skip the Choline & Arachidonic Acid which you can most easily obtain from daily egg yolks/whole eggs!


Goal #4: Get in your *Retinol* Vitamin A in a way that works for YOU! Liver & other organ meats should be eaten every week (4 ounces of beef liver per person per week) for Retinol Vitamin A & other key micronutrients.

(Also, I have a great pate recipe in the Recipe Book that makes this do-able if you’re a newbie to liver like me...trust me, you won't believe how creamy, good-tasting & not chewy & frankly, not very “liver”-tasting it is :))

OR, see fabulous daily Retinol Vitamin A supplement recommendations & alt ideas.

And you would want organic, pasture-raised beef liver (as the liver is the storage location for vitamins & minerals...so it makes sense to get the most nutrient dense liver you can, from being pasture-raised...plus it tastes way better! ;)).


Is *pasture-raised* important?

Getting pasture-raised is not essential for meat (although pasture-raised eggs are an exception, they're worth the extra cost) if you’re on a budget--although pasture-raised meat does taste great, have more nutrients to it & helps to support sustainable agriculture/climate/clean water if you can expand your budget a bit for it.

Pasture-raised eggs are really worth the money....as they have that mighty Choline, more Arachidonic acid & a lot more micronutrient content in general--including significantly more omega-3's, from being pasture-raised...

Besides being a good daily source of omega-3 fats, pasture-raised eggs also have a higher Arachidonic acid content, which helps your body deal with inflammation (your friend in being able to burn fat & feel good) and which helps your body tolerate a larger variety of foods.

*If you only have a little extra money to budget for pasture-raised meats...I recommend pasture-raised eggs (and liver) to give you the biggest bang for your buck.


An example of a Weekly Meal Plan (starring Protein)

We’ll talk more about *retinol* Vitamin A + Choline & egg yolks in the next section, too! So you’ll see why I am sooo, soo crazy about eggs (and specifically, egg yolks) here 🙂

These are your Protein Planning micro-star moves

One of the coolest things about The Perfect Health Diet/Eating for Energy weekly protein planning, is that you can plan to eat Protein foods on a daily & weekly basis to get IN key MICROnutrients--that are just way, way easier to get from food, and SO important to having solid energy & being able to burn fat, too:

And the main keys to planning your Weekly Protein include making sure you get 1 to 2 meals of omega-3-rich shellfish or fish…(and shellfish are also great for B12/Zinc)…

While staying LOW with your omega-6 nuts/seeds/seed oils...

Plus getting in pasture-raised egg yolks on the daily for CHOLINE (your fat-burning, methylation & brain health friend) and Arachidonic Acid…

And getting IN enough retinol Vitamin A on daily or weekly basis, in a way that works for your diet and taste buds. Just don't skip the retinol Vitamin A!

I’ll also share some Alt & Supplement Ideas in this section too! For now though, here’s a list of these Micronutrient-rich Protein foods that you want to include in your Weekly Meal Plan:

Important Protein foods to eat for essential Micronutrients:

  • 1 to 2 meals of omega-3-rich oily fish or shellfish (or see alt ideas) every week...
  • while getting LOW with omega-6 oils, nuts & seeds
  • 4 pasture-raised egg yolks/whole eggs daily, 5 yolks** daily for women who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant (for choline, folate, vitamin A, Arachidonic acid)
  • 4 ounces of beef or lamb liver, weekly. If you like, substitute 4 ounces of chicken, duck, or goose liver weekly plus 30 g 85% dark chocolate daily (for copper, vitamin A, folate, choline) or retinol Vitamin A daily with supplement ideas


  • Daily collagen shooters (more deets in the next module) for glycine
  • shellfish, fish, eggs, and kidneys, weekly (for selenium)...
  • plus enough Calcium & Zinc!

Let's get started with Protein Planning goals 1 & 2:

Get a “perfect amount” of Omega-3...

And get LOW with Omega-6 nuts, seeds & seed oils

How to keep Inflammation & weight gain at bay

Protein (get satisfied)…and get Non-Inflammatory (on a Weekly Basis)

Ok, let's keep going with a core planning idea, when it comes to not gaining weight from eating a random Whole Foods diet:

The authors of The Perfect Health Diet assert that we want to eat the amount & type of Fat (that comes from Protein) that keeps Inflammation at bay in our bodies, each and every week.

How do we keep Inflammation at bay?

By strategically managing our choices of Good Fats, based on getting LOW with PUFA Fats (PUFAs go POOF! They do not like high heat…they become damaged from high heat & cause oxidative stress & a lovely free radical cascade in our bodies).

PUFA Fats…which are primarily omega-3 and omega-6 fats (polyunsaturated fats)…are also called “Essential Fatty Acids”

This name is tricky, because the scientific word “essential” does not mean “good”…it simply means that our bodies’ can’t make them, we need to eat them…and interestingly, we only need a very small amount of them.

The Dr. Jaminets asserts that if we needed a lot of them…that our bodies would have evolved by now to be able to make them. Instead, we just need a little amount. A little amount, being key.

However, as Dr. Jaminet explains…

“The shift to high-omega-6 diets is perhaps the most important dietary change of the last fifty years and may have caused the obesity epidemic. So it’s important to understand the optimal intake of these fats.”

(And this may be one reason why you haven’t been able to feel energized or get results from your exercise too, or be able to burn fat even when you’re doing your best to pick healthy food options)…

So not all PUFA fats are bad though…we do need a little bit of them on a weekly basis!  PUFA fats do help maintain cell membranes…but it just doesn’t take a lot to do this:

“Omega-6 and omega-3 polyunsaturated fats have both structural and signaling functions. They are chemically fragile and act as “sensors” of danger that stimulate various protective responses. In small quantities, they enter into cell membranes, making them slippery and fluid….

When dietary PUFA intake increases from zero, PUFA are rapidly converted to membrane HUFA until the membrane HUFA levels reach their optimum. From that point, membrane HUFA levels plateau; cells resist adding more HUFA to their membranes.”

(And they get stored as fat)

Only a small amount of dietary PUFA is necessary to prevent a deficiency. And, as you’ll see in a chart below too…

Most natural, whole foods already contain 2% omega-6 PUFA fats…so it would be very unusual to be deficient in them...(unless you don't eat pastured egg yolks...or if you take too many omega-3's for your current health needs...more about both of these in just a bit).

PUFA Fats get *priority digestion*...not necessarily a good thing

And I'll share more about this--but it's very important to know that our bodies prioritize digesting PUFA fats first (they are essential—we have to eat them, we can’t make them ourselves…so I can see our body’s “logic” in digesting them first)…

However, the Drs. Jaminet explain that when PUFA fats get to be above 4% of total calories—our body is like hold up! There are too many of these things—and they get stored as FAT.

The “typical American diet”--which has a lot of seed oils in it and a fair amount of pre-made convenience foods & eating out--is above 9% PUFA fats.

So you can see where the rise in Omega-6 PUFA fats being used in pre-made & convenience food & restaurant cooking has led to a concurrent rise in obesity, too.


Higher PUFA diets have been associated with not only the rise in obesity & stubborn weight gain…but also liver disease, atherosclerosis, impaired immune function, allergies & asthma, mental illness, impaired digestive health, cancer, and earlier mortality rates.

Let's get "non-inflammatory"

Let’s get Non-Inflammatory…and strategically plan these PUFA (Omega-3 and Omega-6 fats) on a weekly basis—with a strategic weekly protein plan.

And we’ll be kissing goodbye to one major cause of mysterious belly fat weight gain & feeling lethargic…when you get your PUFA intake (omega-3 and omega-6 intake) strategically planned.

Here’s a bit more about how to do that:


Let's talk specifics: Omega-6 fats

Dr. Jaminet writes that:

“Omega-6 fats constitute 2% or more of most natural foods

…so it’s impossible to become deficient.

As a side note—there’s been an update since The Perfect Health Diet was published. In the book, the Drs. Jaminets caution against eating protein meat choices—like too much chicken or pork—that are too high in omega-6 fats.

However, recent practitioner testimonials have shared that the omega-6 fats found in animal Protein are not what’s causing the obesity problem

--Instead it’s from going too NUTS on nuts & seeds (using nuts and seeds as a main protein source or eating them too frequently) that’s causing metabolic damage from too many omega-6 fats…

--AND that most all pre-made and packaged food from the grocery store use heat-extracted PUFA seed oils—like canola oil, soybean oil, and vegetable oil—in foods like crackers, cookies, potato chips, salad dressings, and fat spreads.

Even the salad bar items at Whole Foods are often made with canola oil—because it’s cheap! And restaurants also unfortunately rely on cheaper seed oils to prepare their food as well.

So it’s not that you need to limit chicken or pork…

Instead it’s that:

  • You don’t want to use nuts and seeds as a main protein source (as the omega-6 fats in these can easily go rancid). Instead have them as occasional snacks…and ideally choose nuts & nut butters that are altogether lower in PUFA fats, like macadamia, almond, and cashew…and tree-nut butters (almond or cashew are great)…
  • And you want to vigorously reduce or eliminate seed oils like canola oil, soybean oil & vegetable oil
  • And importantly—make sure you are eating a “perfect amount” of Omega-3 fats each week! Pasture-Raised egg yolks + 1 or 2 meals of omega-3 rich fish or shellfish weekly…or daily omega-3 algae oil…


Ok—so back to the main obesity epidemic story here. The Drs. Jaminet assert that most natural foods contain 2% omega-6 PUFA fats…and other than making sure you’re getting enough Arachidonic acid from food sources, it would be very unusual to be deficient in them.

You want to stay in the range of eating 3% or below of your daily calories as omega-6 PUFA fats…because above that amount and they start oxidizing (above 3%) or get stored as fat (above 4%).

And one of the BEST strategies for achieving this...is to avoid making nuts & seeds a main protein source & avoid seed oils (canola, soybean, vegetable)...as these foods are quite high in damaged omega-6 fats! 

Plus--you absolutely need a "perfect weekly amount" of Omega-3 fats.


Why you need a "perfect amount" of both Omega-3 & Omega-6 fats:

Dr. Chris Masterjon breaks it down—why it’s so important to go for that “perfect amount” for both Omega-6 and Omega-3 fats:

...both share the same machinery to be converted to the fatty acids we need. If one is provided in great excess of the other, it can hog the conversion machinery. Worse, an abundance of PUFA tricks our body into thinking we have enough of all of them, so it actually makes less of that machinery. Too much of one, then, causes a deficiency of the other…

Omega-3's and omega-6's can interact in a second way: EPA is roughly the same size and shape as arachidonic acid. While DHA takes its own place in cell membranes, EPA steals the place that belongs to arachidonic acid. Then, when the activation machinery goes after the arachidonic acid, it uses the EPA instead, making inactive byproducts.

So indeed, it’s important to get a “perfect amount” as the Drs. Jaminet would say of both omega-6’s and omega-3’s in your daily & weekly diet…

So that having too much of one does not cause a deficiency of the other in your body.

Let's talk specifics: Omega-3 fats

I know omega-3 fats get lots of street cred as being fabulous for your health--but it's important to know that TOO MUCH of these needed fats are NOT a good thing!

If you don't have a specific health condition that warrants a higher amount of daily/weekly omega-3's...going too high with your omega-3’s is quite toxic and has been shown to cause liver damage, bleeding & stroke, early aging & shortened life span (and too many omega-3’s also will get stored as fat). And toxic effects are even greater when the omega-3 fats become rancid or heat-damaged.

Only fish/shellfish that are refrigerated or frozen immediately after their catch (and omega-3 algae oil)…are the only true guarantee that their omega-3 oils remain fresh. Fish oil capsules on the other hand, easily become rancid, yuck.

So the take away is that fresh or frozen fish/shellfish (and omega-3 algae oil or krill oil) are best--

More than 3 grams a week of omega-3 is when toxicity begins, so it’s important to eat less than 2 pounds of oily fish/shellfish a week. And the Japanese purportedly eat an ideal amount of omega-3’s…1.5 grams of omega-3’s per day, which equals to about 1 pound of oily fish/shellfish per week.

Dr. Chris Masterjohn asserts in his free Micronutrients email course too that you do NOT want to just add in extra Omega-3 supplements bc you may have heard that they are healthy.

Too much omega-3 causes your body to need more Vitamin E (which is not that easy to get from a standard diet, too)…so just stick to eating a limited amount of omega-3-rich foods each week, from real food ideally or with supplements only if you're a vegan or pregnant) and getting LOW with omega-6 nuts, seeds and bad oils/fats.

Dr. Chris Masterjohn summarizes that:

Most adults should be fine with 150 mg/d DHA, which can be obtained from five pasture-raised egg yolks per day or from one serving of fatty fish per week.


Side note: specific health conditions that do need higher omega-3’s

Please see Dr. Chris Masterjohn’s free Vitamins & Minerals 101 course for more details—and people with psychological and/or neurological disorders could benefit from higher omega-3 fatty acid intake…

Also, pregnant & nursing moms (see more below)

Plus, people recovering from injury or illness or dealing with a chronic disease.

For people who are trying to lower their triglycerides (including people with type 2 diabetes)…supplementing with extra omega-3's can be effective...and he also recommends first trying a moderately low carb diet as described here too…to help address these issues at their root cause instead.

And for most healthy adults...

Getting LOW with omega-6 nuts/seeds/seed oils…and getting some, but not too much, of omega-3’s…are both helpful in many ways:

Improves bone mineral density, relieves depression, decreases anger and anxiety, and improves immune function & recovery times.

So the take-away is that you want to stay in a safe & pretty low range with both kinds of PUFA fats.


Do you need to worry about the RATIO of omega-6’s to omega-3’s?

Ok, so this is also something that's been updated since the publishing of The Perfect Health Diet. We’re going to look to nutrition researcher Dr. Chris Masterjohn here. He’s a great teacher too, and I highly recommend checking out his video: The Omega-6 / Omega-3 Fatty Acid Ratio: Should You Care?

In his video, he addresses an really important question:

Should you care about the weekly Ratio of omega-6’s to omega-3’s? Should you be trying to “top off” how much omega-6’s you eat in a week…with a certain amount of omega-3’s, so that you can stay in a PUFA *balance* for health?

The short answer is: no. Not if you’re eating pastured egg yolks, liver & fish…or even just pastured egg yolks & fish/shellfish.

Only vegans really need to worry about tracking & maintaining a 4 - 1 (omega-6 to omega-3) overall ratio (for vegans: how to do this in this video here).


And for meat-eaters and vegetarians...if you follow these Weekly Protein planning guidelines you will get a healthful amount of omega-3 & omega-6 intake (with eating pastured egg yolks & fish/shellfish & liver (or supplemental alternative)).

(More about why the *ratio* is not important below, if you're interested in learning more)

    [op_question 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Protein (get satisfied)…and get Non-Inflammatory (on a Weekly Basis)

The big take-aways:

Plan on a WEEKLY basis

I think it's SO important to plan your Protein intake on a WEEKLY basis—first—as again there are two key considerations:

A. Goals 1 & 2: Getting enough—but not too much—Omega-3’s on a weekly basis...while getting LOW with Omega-6 nuts, seeds & seed oils (and getting good ones from pastured egg yolks & liver). This is key to feeling GOOD and losing weight!!

B. Goals 3 & 4: Getting some essential MICROnutrients from your Protein that are so, so important for your body to function well.

And again, the main philosophy of the Perfect Health Diet is that when you get a “perfect dose” (not too much or too little) of each macro & micronutrient—you’ll feel satisfied between meals, NOT feel hungry except at mealtimes…feel energized, be able to lose weight and feel good.

Ok—so here are the Protein/Good Fat foods you would want to eat on a Weekly Basis...


Get the weekly Omega-3s you need:

Get IN your weekly Omega-3's and

Get LOW with your Omega-6 nuts/seeds/seed oils 

So a big Eating for Energy consideration when it comes to Protein is that you want to make sure you're planning your week around getting enough Omega 3's from 1 or 2 meals of oily fish/shellfish (or 5 daily egg yolks or daily algae oil)...and getting that powerful Arachidonic acid from pasture-raised egg yolks...this is a big part of this recipe.

While getting LOW with your Omega-6 nuts, seeds & seed oils...seed oils especially are an obesity-inducing culprit here (canola oil, soybean oil & vegetable oil).

Optimizing your Omega-3 & Omega-6 intake is so important for fat-loss:

How do you do that?  The Drs. Jaminet recommend these steps:

  1. Minimize omega-6 fats by:
    • Avoiding most vegetable oils, including soybean oil, corn oil, safflower oil, and canola oil.
    • Eating nuts & seeds in small amounts, as pleasure foods--and not relying on them as a main protein source...better choices include macadamia nuts, almonds, cashews & Brazil nuts...and tree nut butters like almond & cashew
  2. Get sufficient omega-3 fats by eating the equivalent of 1 or 2 meals/up to 1 lb per week of fatty cold-water fish or shellfish (or eat 5 daily egg yolks or daily omega-3 algae oil)

An overall goal would be that omega-6 shouldn’t be more than 4% of calories (and ideally 2 - 3% instead). Plus, you need the type of omega-6 found in pasture-raised egg yolks to help resolve inflammation, too. You don’t have to painstakingly track it though, if you follow the above guidelines with your meat, snack and good fat choices! 🙂

For me personally--I always plan my weekly meals/grocery shopping list and think Omega-3 Fish/Shellfish FIRST...We personally bake the fish (or use low-heat stovetop methods for shellfish too) at a low heat to preserve those fragile omega-3's (300 - 325 temp is great)...for one or two dinners.

I also prioritize pasture-raised eggs (and egg yolks). Remember, they have to be pasture-raised in order to have the omega-3 content you need (grain-fed chicken eggs are not a significant source of omega-3 fats).

If you don’t want to eat fish or pastured egg yolks:

You can also just take daily omega-3 algae oil (which you keep in the refrigerator) or krill oil.

If you want to use omega-3 algae oil or krill oil as your daily/weekly omega-3 source…Dr. Chris Masterjohn recommends limiting DHA/EPA combined to about 250 milligrams per day (and of that--150 milligrams of DHA) (see the Micronutrients module worksheet for a brand recommendation).

However: he highly, highly recommends going for FOOD SOURCES first (1 or 2 meals a week of oily fish and/or 5 daily pasture-raised egg yolks) because they contain so many other important Micronutrients--and then only using a supplement if for some reason you need more or you just can't tolerate those foods.

And again, if you’re following these guidelines for eating some fatty-cold water, wild omega-3 fish and/or shellfish each week (and you're not pregnant/nursing or have a specific health issue) & pasture-raised egg yolks…then you wouldn’t want to supplement extra Omega-3’s…as they get stored as FAT (too many PUFAS) AND they cause your body to need more of the hard-to-come-by Vitamin E.


How my husband & I get LOW with omega-6 PUFA fats on a weekly basis:

We eat beef, lamb, some seafood, chicken and some bean dishes, and lots of eggs for our protein…and we make almost all of our side dishes & salad dressings…and I save my omega-6 tax for eating out occasionally! And even though I try to pick great restaurants and order simple but yummy things from their menus—you still have no idea what’s in the restaurant food, and I would just assume they use cheaper cooking oils, so I’m counting that as my omega-6 tax personally.

I also love making my own side dishes & salad dressings and skipping most pre-made foods (or finding ones without added fats/oils).

Excited to hear how you will work with these guidelines, to make it work for you! 🙂


If you're Pregnant--more about how to add in additional Omega-3's if you're pregnant--below.

All right--so with Eating for Energy, you want to take time to plan your Weekly Meals...thinking getting in your 1 or 2 meals of Omega-3-rich oily fish or shellfish (like salmon, Atlantic char, sardines, fish roe, mussels, clams, scallops, oysters, farmed shrimp)...and/or 5 daily pasture-raised egg yolks...

**Pasture-raised Egg Yolks also contain an important omega-6 fatty acid you need to resolve inflammation, Arachidonic acid…they are a daily superfood for choline & Arachidonic acid

And getting LOW with your Omega-6 nuts, seeds & seed oils (eating nuts & seeds as a pleasure food (not a main protein source) and picking the lowest PUFA ones...and skipping the vegetable/canola/soybean oils as much as possible) 

Types of Fat in cooking oils*

And I know we're talking PROTEIN choices mainly here--however, the types of Fats in cooking oils ARE a concern--

And you want to choose Cooking Oils that are low in PUFA fats...as PUFAs go POOF! when you heat them. So the best oils for cooking are ghee, beef tallow & refined coconut oil:


*this chart info comes from The Perfect Health Diet book, with some additions from me


Choose Cooking Oils that are low in PUFA fats...as PUFAs go POOF! when you heat them. So the best oils for cooking are ghee, beef tallow & refined coconut oil.


In Summary:

Stay LOW with Omega-6’s

Ok—so it’s not difficult to get enough Omega-6’s in your diet (except, don’t forget the egg yolks)…and they can be found in small to greater amounts in most protein foods already (and some plants, like avocados).

Again, the omega-6 content of protein foods or avocados is NOT a chief concern--instead, it's nuts, seeds and seed oils that are the BIG concern.

And you want to keep these omega-6 fats at ideally 2 to 3% of your total calories daily.

So that’s why nuts & seeds are considered a “pleasure food”…and shouldn’t be used as a main source of protein…or eaten too frequently. Low omega-6 nuts & nut butters are best for pleasure eating too! (Like almond & cashew butter)

Ditch cooking with canola & vegetable oils (high in PUFA fats) & use Low PUFA fats for cooking & delicious decorations to your meals (see chart above)!


Don’t go crazy with Omega-3’s either

And then unless you have a specific health challenge, you don’t want to go crazy with omega-3’s either…as too much omega-3 food/supplementation is actually TOXIC too! And Dr. Chris Masterjon shares that taking extra omega-3 supplements—above the recommended dietary amount described here—is not necessarily good for you as well…causing your body to lose and need more Vitamin E.

So, long story short—go for getting a “perfect amount” of omega-3 fats in a way that works best for YOU! 🙂

You can get a “perfect enough” amount of omega-3 fats by eating the equivalent of 1 or 2 meals/up to1 lb per week of fatty cold-water fish, like salmon, sardines….and/or shellfish that’s high in omega-3’s too. Plus, combo that with 5 daily pasture-raised egg yolks to hit a daily goal of 150 milligrams of DHA.

Also, if you have a week where you can’t eat that much omega-3 seafood…or you just want limit that for environmental reasons…I do recommend getting in occasional salmon/sardines/blue mussels (for brain absorption) and supplementing the rest with algae oil (or krill oil).


The best way that I’ve found to track this…is to first:

—stock low omega-6 high-heat cooking oils & only use those for cooking. Once you buy these low-PUFA oils…then clean out your cupboards/refrigerator.

Get some refined coconut oil, ghee…also you can really cheaply make your own beef tallow too.

(More abut Good Fats in a bit—but for now, let’s focus on these as high-heat cooking oils)…


AND—then plan out your Weekly Meals..planning on only eating 1 or 2 dinner meals of omega-3 fish/shellfish...and/or pasture-raised egg yolks…

Get non-inflammatory & ENERGIZED…

With this Protein planning goal!

And, I'll share two more Micronutrient Protein Planning Goals you want to take into account too, in the next section...

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