Lense #4:

Squashing Hunger & giving your body the “Perfect” Macro & Micronutrients it needs

And before I share how to tailor a weekly MACRO Plan that works for your goals & desires…and how to get started quickly with the most important meal of the day…

I think it’s important to delve into this last-but-not least concept of "Perfect" Macro- & Micro-nutrients a bit. You may be wondering with the plethora of nutrition & diet info "out there"…many of it seeming to conflict...you may probably be wondering...

Is there really a "perfect amount" of nutrients to eat?


Perfect Amount of Nutrients?!!?

And Drs. Paul & Shou Ching Jaminet will reply (and I will add to the chorus) that YES, they felt like there MUST be a way to determine what our body really needs in order to functional optimally...

They originally did this research because they were each having some really horrible health conditions (including scurvy, ohmygosh) from eating too low carb…and they were able to heal themselves.

And hence they wrote the first (and now second) edition of their book, The Perfect Health Diet...And I have to share too that they are currently focusing on cancer research (in space!)

A bit more about the Perfect Health Diet:

They share this compelling research & recommendations freely on their blog, and they appreciate fitness and (sports) nutrition coaches like me sharing with others—so that we all can contribute to this body of work. I do highly recommend reading their book, where they go into ways to adapt the Perfect Health Diet (PHD for short) to different health conditions…and it’s just a generally fabulous read. 🙂

Ok, with that being said…before we get into what to eat exactly…I want to share HOW they came to these conclusions…and indeed I found this fascinating!! 🙂


The main philosophy of The Perfect Health Diet book is that in order to get the optimal intake of nutrients from whole foods…you want to focus on 3 things:

1. Eat what the Paleolithic peeps ate

2. Eat an adult version of breast milk (a perfect health food, designed to grow a baby)

3. And finally…Eat what you ARE

So with that intriguing summary, here are a few highlights from their book that share HOW they came to these *perfect* nutrient recommendation of not too much (a toxic dose) or too little (a depleting dose)…but the most research-proven dose to give your body what it needs to thrive.

THIS is a fabulous, foundational starting place.

Perfect Nutrients?

A: Look to the (lack of) speed in Evolution

To see the biggest base of info about these "perfect" levels of macro- & micro-nutrients, the Drs. Jaminets recommend looking at our ancestral diet...and actually, the diet from a certain time period called the Paleo period--because our genetics have not evolved much past this time period! :0

And believe me, I resisted looking at the Paleo diet for a long time, because it sounded so cheesy & like a marketing term...turns out, the biology behind it is SO INTERESTING!!

First up as an item of interest: the Paleolithic era was very long—about 2.6 million years...

And Paleo people became highly optimized for the Stone Age (the age of tools and modern man). Dr. Paul Jaminet writes:

“The Paleolithic period began 2.76 million years ago with the invention of stone tools and ended 10,000 years ago with the invention of agriculture.”

The Paleo period lasted 100’s of thousands of generations and in contrast, in the past 10,000 years there have only been 500 generations


The Jaminets go on to share the math…that mutations/adaptations that provide ways to better survive and procreate would require 200,000 years to become established.

SO…our current adaptation to modern life is INCOMPLETE (as in, it would take 190,000 more years to mutate/adapt to agricultural/non-Paleo life)…

And so, doing the math...the Jaminet’s assert that the best way to find out what is great for everyone to eat is to look to and understand what the Paleo people ate:

"This is the nutrition that our bodies NEED to thrive."

Dr. Shanahanah puts it eloquently that this food is:

the nutrition our genes have been programmed to expect.”

So understanding the Paleo diet is the best jumping off point to understand the foods that you want to eat to have optimal health...and be able to create a healthy baby, raise a healthy child, and age with vitality. Dr. Paul Jaminet writes (with just a hint of snarkiness :)):

“Because mutations that would remove our adaptation to Paleolithic diets have had little time to spread through the population, it is likely that nearly everyone is extremely well adapted to Paleolithic diets. The same can not be said for modern diets.”

Stone Age tuber-digging tool--seen at the Modern History Museum in Dublin, Ireland! #nutritionnerd

So what did the Paleo peeps eat?

Dr. Jaminet summarizes the contents of the Paleolithic whole foods diet:

—Eat real food: recently living plants and animals

—Eat mostly plants

—Among plant foods, favor in-ground starches

—Don’t be afraid to eat Good Fats! Hunter-gatherers flourished on a fat-rich diet.

Ooooh…in-ground Starches(!!)…for me, this was a very delicious & exciting discovery.


In the Perfect Health Diet book, Dr. Jaminet shares that Hominids ate In-Ground Starches:

—Tubers and corms similar to the modern potato and taro

—With an Emphasis on starchy roots, tubers, corms and rhizomes

And interestingly, humans have 7 copies of the gene that digests starches.

Plus we know that hominoids hunted meat and were not getting protein from plants (no beans for them).


Most likely stone tools & cooperative hunting allowed our Paleo ancestors to obtain fatty animal foods. However, it’s not known the meat-to-plants ratio that Paleo (wo)man ate because the isotope for protein doesn’t last that long in skeletal remains.

We are able to know what modern hunter-gatherers ate, Dr. Jaminet asserts because it likely resembles what Upper Paleo people ate…and hence, what a modern diet for humans should look like:

Meat, fish & eggs

Roots & other in-ground plants were the most important plant food

Seeds & nuts were a small part

Fruits were more often fatty nuts than the sugary foods we know


Dr. Jaminet writes:

“As our Paleolithic ancestors who dominated the globe were characterized by tall stature and healthy teeth and bones and their health deteriorated as soon as their diet was altered, we think it’s safe to say that such a...high-plant, starch-meat-and-fat-based diet is a healthful human diet.”


Perfect Nutrients?

B: Look to what happens during Fasting

Paleo peeps were well adapted to Extended periods of Fasting...As they would have had to hunt, gather, fight and survive during periods of not having enough food. And basically, your body "feeds itself" during periods of extended fasting, by cannabilizing itself (using what's already there inside).

So, the takeway here is that you can tell what's a good ratio of macro- & micro-nutrients by looking at what the body cannabilizes (lean tissue) as Paleo people were able to thrive--keep hunting & doing stuff--during these periods.

Cool Side note: Dr. Jaminet shares that people who adopt a Paleo diet find that Intermittent Fasting becomes easy and comfortable—not exactly pleasurable, but far from intolerable.

The key though is to get into a flow with this Paleo way of eating first, so that you’ll be well prepared for a fast. Then, Intermittent Fasting will be easy.

  • EXTRA Side note: Intermittent Fasting is a great tool to have in your toolbox for cellular autophagy and general health.

    With this Eating for Energy Guide however—we’re going to be focusing on improving our Daily Cortisol Rhythms, and with that lense—we’re going to focus on eating breakfast within an hour of waking up in the morning.

    (fasting can actually spike cortisol…so I am not recommending it with this Eating for Energy guide)

    Once you have a solid daily cortisol flow happening—then potentially going for Intermittent Fasting one day a week could be fabulous for your general health and well-being. MCT oil in your coffee also does not disrupt the process of autophagy too much (while making you feel relatively full), so it doesn’t have to be an uncomfortable process at all.

    For now, let’s keep going with the lense of reducing inflammation & supporting a good daily cortisol rhythm….and the proof is in the pudding with the concept of “perfect nutrients”…

In the Perfect Health Diet, Dr. Jaminet details how Intermittent Fasting is GREAT for supporting your immune system to knock out mutated cells (a cellular cleaning process called autophagy (a very valuable process))…as well as strengthening your digestion, supporting brain health, and Burning Fat.

And the bigger picture is that they get into the topic of Fasting to show that we want to eat food that matches the composition of our Lean Body Tissue for best results!

They prove this recommendation by examining how if we eat what our body tissues are, that makes it easy for our body to build muscle, use energy and burn fat…and:

that these recommendations match the ratios of elemental forms of nutrients found in our bodies:

“Eating food in proportions of lean tissue allows all cells to take up an energy excess…If you eat in the wrong proportions, lean tissue will reject some of the excess energy and it will have to be stored as fat in adipose tissue.”

So they did the math and share how these macro- & micro- nutrient recommendations match the composition of lean body tissue (way, way more details in their book, of course)...AND these *perfect nutrient* recommendations ALSO match the composition of human breast milk, a perfect food for growing a healthy, intelligent baby!


Perfect Nutrients?

C: Look to Breast Milk

But first…Briefly, get to know your Fats:

#1: You want to pay careful attention to your Omega 6 & Omega 3 intake each week. These fats are called PUFAs--poly-unsaturated fatty acids (and interchangeably, essential fatty acids). 

PUFA’s (Omega-6 & 3 fats) are also called “essential fatty acids”...they're “essential” because unlike Fats #2 and #3 below, your body can’t make them and you have to get them from food.

#2 & #3: SaFA & MUFA Fats (Optimize these as well)...while making sure you get IN your weekly Omega-3's, while lowering Omega-6 fats as much as you can = feeling GOOD (and setting the stage to lose weight, too!)

With Fats #2 & 3...these Saturated & MonoUnsaturated fats are safe to consume...they’re the most flexible macronutrient of the PHD diet & can be adjusted up or down, to aid in Weightloss and/or to satisfy appetite…if you’re going for a calorie-restricted approach to losing weight, then these are the “delicious decoration” calories you can cut…

And I surmise that they’re the calories that Vegetarians who eat beans, need to make sure they get enough of, too.

These fats are SAFE to consume because they’re our core structural fats…making up to 75 - 80% of the fatty acids in most cells.

More about optimizing your Good Fats in just a bit!

And the Drs. Jaminets were able to determine the optimal amount of each of these Good Fats for humans…through an analysis of Breast Milk (so smart!) which is the best food for growing a healthy baby.


So last but not least…the composition of Breast Milk, tells us more about the Good Fats we should be eating:

72% of breast milk fats are long-chain SaFA and MUFA.

Eating a diet that has such a high ratio of Good Fats, allows a baby’s body to grow, and specifically allows her brain to develop.

However, it’s important to adjust these Good Fat ratios to an Adult body’s needs, as adults aren’t growing our brains anymore. The Jaminets have some fabulous math for this:

Breast milk probably gives an upper limit to the optimal adult PUFA intake. Infants obtain about 9.6 percent of their energy as PUFA, but they have a greater need for PUFA to support the rapid growth of the infant brain. Adults, who have a stable brain size, need substantially less dietary PUFA.

Breast milk confirms that saturated and monounsaturated fats should be the largest source of calories at all ages. There’s no good reason to be afraid of fats!”


(Plus, side note: Coconut oil is a good flexible fat to have in your diet because it’s 92% SaFA & MUFA medium-chain fats!)

Ok, so let’s break and down…and see the exact ratios of food that feed your body in a way that mimics:

  • what our Paleo genes expect (Macro- & Micro-nutrients we need)…
  • the composition of our bodies (how much of each Macronutrient we need)…
  • and an adult-version of breast milk (the best types of Fat for us).

So the answer is yes—they found that you can define a foundational starting place to determine a Perfect Dose = not too much (a toxic dose) or too little (a depleting dose)…but the most research-proven dose to give your body what it needs to thrive.

This way of eating is super delicious, satisfying…and gives you really great Energy!

So YES to a “perfect amount” of Micro- & Macro-nutrients that match the composition of our lean body tissue, squash hunger between meals & give your body what it needs to thrive.

And while we’re on the topic of the nutrition our genes have been programmed to expect

I’ll also share about why Inflammation’s functional place in our history is now causing big challenges in our modern day.

The Evolution of Inflammation

Just as our genes have been programmed to expect certain macro- and micro-nutrients in order to function properly…

The process of cellular Inflammation also served a purpose in Paleo people that’s just not needed today—and instead causes many problems.

Harvard magazine’s feature of long-term studies about Inflammation & it’s potential history explains:

Why inflammation sometimes doesn’t resolve, and becomes chronic instead, is in some sense easily explained in evolutionary terms. “If I’m living 70,000 years ago at a time of food shortage,” says Ridker, “and there’s a drought, the 5 to 10 percent of people who will survive that drought are likely to have insulin resistance”—a tendency to store more calories as fat. “They’re going to live a little longer,” he continues. “When it finally rains, food comes, and that’s the survivor group. In a modern world of too much food, [insulin resistance] leads to diabetes. But in prehistory, it’s terribly important for survival.” While stored fat is beneficial during times of famine, it also harbors potentially damaging pro-inflammatory signaling molecules (see “Eating to Excess: Metabolic Inflammation,” below).

A second evolved factor is that prior to the development of antibiotics, disease “wiped out half the population before age five. So, people were under evolutionary pressure to have a hyperactive immune system.” Now, “most everybody survives childhood infections”….“But this hyperactive immune system remains, and adversely affects aging.”

“The third piece—beyond starvation and infection—is trauma,” Ridker says. “The saber-toothed tiger—or for women, bleeding to death during childbirth—selects on a genetic basis for hypercoagulable blood. So here we are, by definition all of us lucky enough to be alive today, with a consistent ancestry all the way back to the beginning. And we have all inherited a pro-inflammatory, insulin resistant, pro-coagulable state. Under the circumstances,” he continues, the fact that “we have an epidemic of diabetes and heart disease makes complete sense.” Evolutionary pressures have shaped a physiological system which is phenomenally well suited for surviving childhood infection, starvation, and predation. “But it contributes to many disorders of chronic aging…”

“Chronic inflammation is uniformly damaging and is absolutely causal to the process, because if you interfere with it, you can reverse the pathology.”

Critics might suggest that inflammation is just a symptom in these diseases, rather than a cause. But Hotamisligil says, unequivocally, “Chronic inflammation is uniformly damaging and is absolutely causal to the process, because if you interfere with it, you can reverse the pathology.” And this ability to control such diseases simply by reversing inflammation is a biological response, dating far back to the time of a common ancestor, that has been retained across diverse species of animals to the present day, he says, pointing to experimental evidence: “If you can make Drosophila [fruit fly] diabetic, and then block the inflammatory response systems, you can cure diabetes in Drosophila, the same way you can reverse it in the mouse, in primates, and in humans, provided that you do it with the right tools. Of course, the higher the organism, the more complex these pathways are, so it takes more effort to define the precise mechanisms to manipulate.”

So that’s why taking the care to cut out foods that our bodies treat as Toxins—that cause oxidative stress (seed oils) or damage the lining of our Intestines (like gluten)…or that we eat too many of or even the act of snacking in-between meals…

And instead eat full, satisfying meals that allow us to skip snacks…and help build up our gut lining instead of tear it down…and fuel our energy with Good Fats instead of fats that cause oxidative stress…and getting they macro- and micro-nutrients our cells have evolved to expect…

All of this careful yummy food planning can really pay you back in spades, in terms of having good energy and helping to resolve problems in your body—and allowing you to burn fat and feel GOOD.

And I’m excited to share an energizing & delicious strategy with you.

How to get the most out of this Anti-Inflammatory Food Guide:

You’ll get access to each module step-by-step…so that you can read it in order and start taking action as you go!

After you read each section—you can check it off as Complete on the Modules page.

Welcome—let’s do this! 🙂

I’ve found that the key to creating change is:

Take the next available Action Step

I think that potentially the best way to move a big goal forward—is to think of what all of the action steps would be—in making that goal happen. And then take the first actionable step that you can…

And then the next actionable step after that.

This way you basically “Shrink the Change” as Chris Kresser likes to call it.

Awesome results you can expect:

Feeling more energized—less cravings/hunger between meals…sleeping more deeply...feeling “on the path” with taking charge of your health!

It does take time to fill in nutrient deficiencies…so I recommend getting into a FLOW with Eating for Energy & metabolic movement—and sticking with it for a while.

I can’t say, I guarantee you’re going to lose weight/burn fat—however, that is what I experienced, and what many other people have experienced too with The Perfect Health Diet book.

I’m excited to add in some user-friendly details & some Micronutrient optimization strategies, too! 🙂

And I know some people who are reading this guide are dealing with chronic disease and things that take time and detective work to clear up…and some things that may never clear up all the way.

The thing is--with this way of eating, it builds RESILIENCE and feeling GOOD…even in the face of chronic disease. And feeling resilient—feeling as good as possible—is often the best goal.

So let’s get resilient—and I hope you enjoy getting started...

For several Modules--there are worksheets to download

You’ll be refining your own personal Shopping List & Meal Ideas you know you already like—and food you would be open to trying too—as we go!

Then I recommend using this shopping list & daily/weekly meal planning tool we’ll be co-creating together through this course—

And next of course actually going grocery shopping...then cleaning out your refrigerator & cupboard of food stuff that contains digestive disruptors or outright toxins…and enjoying getting into making this energizing food (and doing a little Tracking Work as you go)

All you can check off the Modules/Chapters, as you progress on the main Menu page, too.


Take Action as you go:

I highly recommend putting each module into action after you read it…this is a great way to prevent overwhelm and start “shrinking the change” by taking the next available action step.

I do recommend “checking off” each module as complete on the main menu page as you go.

And after you complete the Protein, Safe Carb & Good Fat modules—you’ll get access to the “Get Started with Breakfast” recipe book—since this is the most important meal of the day to optimize your circadian rhythms & set your taste buds for the day, too...

With the Breakfast Recipe Book, you’ll also get a clear summary of the entire Eating for Energy action strategy, so that you get an overview of this energizing, anti-inflammatory way of eating right away.

Please ask me any questions in our private community forum


And I look forward to sharing some Whole Foods inspiration & the Protein module with you next! 🙂